C. Branson Family Blog

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mold in the bedroom

First update since September 2008...that has to be some type of record.

What has happened since then...Kailey graduated and is at BYU. We lost my MIL to cancer. Christina has moved districts. Mikaila is awesome at all things athletic. I am still at Elk Hills.

Sweet. All caught up.

Here are the photos from the mold removal. 75% done.

This first one looks worse than it is. I sprayed a mold killing chemical on the paint and it caused some of the mildew to start running:

Here are the rest of it with the drywall still there...

Here is a photo of the carpet we cut out the day of the water leak presenting itself...

Photos with the baseboards now removed, along with the carpet in the closet:

Here is the lower area with the drywall and insulation removed now...

Upper area...

I have a heater in the closet area drying out the vapor barrier and the wood right now. Once that is done I will put my special mold mask back on and scrub the mold and treat it one more time. Then the mold worries and smell will be gone.

Then drywall and repaint.

Then new carpet throughout the house. Thanks insurance!