Monday, June 12, 2006

Graduation Photos

Here are graduation photos of the oldest rug rat! I will post the names of friends that I know...

Some girl my daughter says I know (I don't), Kailey

Mrs. Hilton, Kailey, Mrs. Pelham

Mikaila (daughter), Kailey, Christina (wife)

Kailey, Wife

Mikaila, Kailey

Kailey (Yes, I do know that I will have boy troubles in the future)

I recommended this photo. I am brilliant.

And brilliantly fat!

Kailey and the non-boyfried (RJ). Kailey swears that RJ isn't her boyfriend. RJ swears he isn't Kailey's boyfriend. None of us believe them. He walks her to the bus in the morning, and he walks her home after school. And when he is bored he comes over to the house. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.....DUCK! So, we call him the non-boyfriend.



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